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DecorBook Classic : Magical Holiday Mantels

Welcome back! I've been doing a bit of construction on my site. The biggest change is if you're reading on a mobile device. Easier navigation and - OH, I'm sooooo excited!!! - you can easily comment on anything you read! I sure hope you will comment. Thanks to Lisa for all the improvements.

Don't you think this h-a-s to be the year to go over the top when decorating for the holidays? Left to our own devices and solely for our own enjoyment, why not have a little more fun? Since we aren't working at hosting parties or family dinners, I'm all for spending that time making our rooms the best they can be. Let's start by looking at the often overlooked holiday mantel and what it could be. I've gotta warn you - at least one in your household will mention "fire hazard" when looking at these inspirations.

Why not focus all decor on the mantel?

If your room has no mantel, consider using a table. Even Christmas socks can be hung.

The owners of this very small German apartment made a tree bow run the wall.

The owners of this Englisht cottage gathered whatever they saw in the yard.

This my favorite - of course, I love black+white. Can't you smell the cedar?

If you're lucky enough to have an outdoor fireplace, the possibilities are endless.

Love these fresh pomegranates dusted in sparkles.

Glorious candy colored glass bulbs and French ribbons.

Absolutely gorgeous. I'm guessing it glows at night.

Can't believe it but this greenery serves as crown moulding. In all these photos, what appeals to me most is the incredible abundance of everything - so daring. If it all seems too much for your mantel, please check out Places We Go : Christmas Across the Pond for front door inspiration (and of course, less fire hazard). You'll see the link on my home page. Thanks for reading! Glad to be back and Happy Holidays!

top photo : pinterest

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