Color Game : Peach Fuzz / 2024 Pantone Color of the Year
Happy New Year! If you're like me, you're trying to feel optimistic about 2024 but with so much going on both here and around the world, it seems like we may be in for a bumpy ride. I feel Pantone's annual Color of the Year isn't helping. Social media was clear - people either love or hate the new designated color. Which camp will you be in? Let's take a look.
Introducing Pantone's 2024 Color of the Year - Peach Fuzz. Hmm. What do you think?
Pantone describes their annual choice as a "color snapshot of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude. Look for the Color of the Year to influence fashion and home decor." As for me, I just think it's fun to explore a new color. As per the Pantone website, "Peach Fuzz is sensitive but sweet and airy, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz evokes a new modernity." Oh.
Maybe Peach Fuzz works best with a complementary color, like a pale celery.
The Pantone website describes Peach Fuzz as -
subtly sensual
a heartfelt peach hue bringing a feeling of kindness and tenderness,
communicating a message of caring and sharing, community and collaboration.
a warm and cozy shade highlighting our desire for togetherness and the feeling of sanctuary
a fresh approach to a new softness
Seems like that's a lot to ask of a color.
The Nordroom blog posted some colors that might work with Peach Fuzz (top right) but I can't see any of these working. The Pantone website describes the color as "softly nestled between pink and orange." That might be true but it's so boring. Would anyone look good in a room painted Peach Fuzz?
This is my favorite of the rooms I found online - I think the success is based on many other neutral colors.
Maybe this color is better served by making a Peach Fizz. The Pantone color of the year is important to many industries as if influences both decor and fashion. I gotta admit - I'm not a fan.
I'd love to know what you think - please let me know below (in comments). In the meantime, enjoy your Sunday (Go Niners)!
PS : Additional DecorBook Pantone Color of the Year articles may be found by looking at PANTONE under TAGS+categories in DecorBook. And what is a "color of the year?" Pantone has been choosing an annual color for over twenty years. As Pantone describes their annual choices as "color snapshots of what we see taking place in our global culture that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude.” Look for the Color of the Year to influence fashion and home decor. For more on Pantone's color of the year :,and%20multimedia%20design%2C%20and%20more.
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