Jul 28, 2019

DecorBook Classic : Mosquito Netting

Updated: Nov 22, 2020

Doesn't summer seem to rushing by? Perhaps it's time for an inspired summery change for our bedrooms. White bedding and affordable mosquito netting can transform your room to a cool, romantic staycation.

How affordable? Mosquito netting to fit a double bed is a low as $29 online. Netting at my local fabric shop is $1 a yard and comes in lots of colors. Let's take a look at some inspiration photos - all in summer white.


A perfect application of mosquito netting - out of the way but ready for use.


A bamboo frame can be purchased for about $125 online.


Add a few potted plans and you've got perfection.


Twin beds, each with their own netting.

eyefordesignlfd.blogspot.comy domaine.com

A dramatic black ceiling sets off white netting.


Feeling the Zen.

architectural digest.com

Don't you love Anderson Cooper's Brazilian bedroom?

November, 1979. A house on the Indian Ocean, just north of Mombassa, Kenya.

Though practical netting to protect from mosquito- borne malaria is taken very seriously, nothing says "romantic adventure" more than netting gently blowing in the breeze. One morning, we awoke to find that monkeys had got through a open kitchen window and caused chaos. Flour and sugar in the kitchen, everywhere. I had slept right through the racket. Must have been the mosquito netting.

P.S. Check out more of Anderson Cooper's amazing Brazilian house : https://www.architecturaldigest.com/gallery/anderson-cooper-trancoso-brazil-vacation-home

top photo : mydomaine.com